
Name Description
Good things to train Pictures (if I have them)
Griffin Oaks Park Play ground with some bars and good drop practice. Some pretty good line potential.
HCC Civic Center Lots of jumps, staircases and good things to flip off of. It is a big area with lots of things to try.
The Streets of Tanasbourne great drop/ decent practice and some line potential. big plant boxes nect to a staircase as well as some benches, a parking garage and some other stuff.
Magnolia park Vaults, bars, jumps, and great places to try flips. There is some good line potential too.
Reedville Creek Park Jumps, vaults, and great line potential. Lots of room and max jumps.
Frances Street Park Small park with some jumps, vaults, and some good flips and room for tricking.
Hidden Creek Park West Along with being beautiful, this park has pretty much everything you could ask for. There are great stride challenges, climb-ups, and decents on the monkey, room for tricking, and crazy line potential. A friend of mine has even taught people how to backflip there.