
Name Description
Good things to train Pictures (if I have them or if google earth was nice)
Progress Ridge Progress Ridge is a central plaza that has lots of spots all around it. These spots range from pretty good with just a few challenges, to one the best outdoor spots I have ever seen. When you get there, the easiest spot to see has a big stone fireplace with a bunch of rocks scattered around. It's pretty good and if you haven't been there before, it is where I recommend you start. The next spot is up a big flight of stairs in front of and behind the movie theater. There are some great tac and wall run challenges and a pretty big precision, but that's about it. I recommend going there to try the challenges and then going to the next spot. The best spot is a fountain that you can see by walking down the sidewalk near one of the restaurants. The fountain itself has tons of great jump challenges and other gaps for flips and things like that. There are also lots of good gaps, rocks, and other spots right next to the fountain. It is also big enough for lots of people. I highly recommend you check this place out if you are in Beaverton.
Camille Park Logs and other weird geometry, great for precisions and trying flips from height. It's a public park, so you shouldn't get kicked out.
Barrows Park This park is a great warm up and tricking spot. It has a padded ground that is like a budget spring floor and a few little challenges here and there. It is also within walking distance of Progress Ridge, which makes it super easy to go to both spots at once.
Barnes Professional Campus It is to the left of Si Senor Family Mexican Restaurant. Goggle Maps wouldn't let me insert a working link for some reason. This spot has lots of walls and railings all fairly close together.
Cedar Hills Crossing Lots of spots scattered around and it has a great drop from hanging off of a parking garage. About twelve foot drop when hanging. You might get kicked out but if your not bothering anyone you probably won't.
Murrayhill Park Play ground, the bar on the swings is really grippy. Good to practice flyaways and other bar moves outside.
Southwest Bible Church Has bars and walls. Don't come here on Sunday. You probably won't get kicked out if you are being respectful.