
Name Description
Good things to train Pictures (if I have them)
City Hall It is a massive covered spot. You can train here even while it's raining. There are sculptures nearby with "No Jumping" signs, but none of them are in the covered area.
Riverfront Park Riverfront park has a lot of good spots all around it that you should definitely check out if you are in the area. It is also within walking distance of City Hall, so you can go to the covered spot while you're there.
Fountain Spot Good for precisions and strides as well as a pretty good field. It is also with in walking dictance the City Hall and Riverfront Park.
I couldn't get a great picture.
Keizer Rapids Big playground surrounded by LOTS of fields. You can also walk to the Willamette River if you want to swim when your done training. It is a playground, so make sure you share the space with kids.